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Expert Support to our customers everywhere - from anywhere

BOS Innovations recognizes the importance of supporting our customers throughout their solution's lifetime. To increase our ability to help our customers we built an expert service and support division that reduces downtime and costs to customers while delivering excellent service. The division includes a team of experts to diagnose and repair problems, and the Proximity Smart Support product which provides expert support to customers everywhere from anywhere.

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Expert Support

Black innovation icon.

In-Depth Knowledge

The Service & Support team is involved throughout the design, build, and commissioning phases of every project, giving our experts in-depth knowledge of how every project operates.

Black statistics icon. Featuring a gear, clock at 3 o'clock, bar and line graph both increasing.

Effective & Efficient

We guarantee that when the Service & Support team is contacted during business hours an expert will respond the same day, and when contacted outside business hours will respond the next business day, to diagnose and solve any issues that arise efficiently and effectively.

Black continuous improvement icon.

Continuous Improvement

We are continuously growing and improving our Service & Support team to better meet customers’ needs and provide the highest quality of service.

Support Contract

At BOS, we understand the importance of providing exceptional expert service and support to our valued customers. We offer a Support Contract to our customers at no charge until service is required. Support Contracts offer many benefits to our customers, including;

Reduced support rates

Continuous support without additional PO's

No impact on the warranty coverage

BOS also offers Preventative Maintenance plans and Emergency Services in order to meet all customer's varying needs and projects.

Proximity Smart Support™

Provides fast, real-time support and avoids unnecessary site visits

Enables connectivity to equipment PLC, robots, vision systems, and field I/O

Reduces downtime and support costs while maximizing machine health

Simple, efficient, reliable, and secure.

Past Applications

A lot of what we execute for our customers is confidential or proprietary and cannot be shared publicly. Here is a small sample of case studies to demonstrate BOS' capabilities in providing Service & Support to our customers.

Remote Commissioning of an L-R cell

Proximity Smart Support with text related to Remote Commissioning case study

Our customer purchased an L-R (laser robotic welding) cell featuring a FANUC M20iB Laser welding robot, an IPG HP Scanner welding head, and a Proximity Smart Support system installed. This L-R features a turntable design, to support two (2) different part variants.

The L-R was built at our headquarters with preliminary robot and PLC programming to demonstrate generic welds on coupon samples for EV battery cooling plates. Further commissioning was required to complete 4 (four) different welds with tight tolerances for two-part variants to be programmed, an A and B side.

To complete commissioning and debugging the L-R cell needed to be at the customer site. Through the Proximity Smart Support system, BOS utilized the integrated monitor, four (4) CCTV cameras with NVR, and remote connection to remotely commission the L-R cell to required tolerances within the 40-second cycle time.

Using the expertise of the BOS programmer, remote connectivity from Proximity Smart Support, and the features of the Support Contract, BOS was able to successfully commission this cell remotely. Combining the Support Contract and Proximity Smart Support system our customer was able to save approximately 68% on the cost of service using the reduced rates and remote connectivity features. Our customer benefitted from reduced costs and downtime by eliminating the need for travel and on-site representation and enhanced operational efficiency through seamless connection with BOS’ experts to accelerate debugging and troubleshooting processes.

Using Proximity Smart Support, BOS: Logged in 5 times for a total of 334 minutes of service. Average service login of 66 minutes, over a grouping of what would have been 3 visits.

This saved the customer: 3 visits with 15.5 hours round trip, which would have totaled 46.5 hours of travel and 4,332 km driven.

Remotely Providing Support to Add Part Variants

Proximity Smart Support screen with text related to Add Part Variants case study

Our customer purchased a L-R (laser robotic cutting) cell featuring a FANUC M20iB/25 R-30iB PLUS robot, IPG 2kW YLR laser power source, Supply and Integration of LaserMech FibercutST Laser Head, and a Proximity Smart Support system installed. This L-R features an extra-wide dual trunnion turntable for part fixturing and was originally purchased with the ability to support a quantity of 10 part types with fixture changeover between each part run.

We built the L-R cell at our headquarters with the initial part variants programmed, and the additional variants would be programmed by the customer’s team. Training was required to add additional part variants to meet customer’s high mix/low volume requirements.

Through the Support Contract the customer purchased discounted additional training to support their team on an ongoing basis. Initial training was provided on-site to operation personnel during installation, and after through the Proximity Smart Support system using the remote connectivity feature.

Using the expertise of the BOS programmer, remote connectivity from Proximity Smart Support, and the features of the Support Contract, BOS successfully completed initial commissioning and taught the customer’s team to add part variants. Combining the Support Contract and Proximity Smart Support system our customer was able to save approximately 39% on the cost of service using the reduced rates and remote connectivity features. The original scope included 10-part variants, which the customer has expanded to include more than 250 part variants to meet their high-mix/low-volume requirements with overwhelming success. Our customer benefitted from reduced costs and downtime by eliminating the need for travel and on-site representation and enhanced operational efficiency through seamless connection with BOS’ experts to accelerate debugging and troubleshooting processes.

Using Proximity Smart Support, BOS: Logged in 49 times for a total of 1,998 minutes of service. Average service login of 40 minutes, over a grouping of what would have been 16 visits.

This saved the customer: 16 visits with 7 hours round trip, which would have totaled 112 hours of travel and 11,500 kms driven.


Contact BOS today to gain access to case studies and more about our service & support team

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